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Contact us

Beaumont Location
510 Park Street, Suite 215
Beaumont, Texas 77701
Phone: 409-839-8045
Fax: 409-838-4048

Port Arthur Location
4680 FM 365
Port Arthur, Texas 77642
Phone: 409-962-1236

Provider resources

click on the name of the organization or service (highlighted in blue) to link to their website:

HealthyChildren.org: If you have questions about a specific condition or are looking for general guidance, HealthyChildren.org is committed to offering the most reliable, up-to-the-minute health advice for proactive parents and caregivers. HealthyChildren.org empowers parents to be proactive about their children's health, whether it's learning about the vaccines their infant needs, the developmental milestones to watch for in their toddler, or how to stay connected with their teenager.

Some Helpful WebSites & Phone Numbers
Child Care Licensing
(to make reports or check licensing status of child care providers): 409-730-2424

Child Protective Services (CPS):
Child Abuse issues, call 800-252-5400; CPS Issues, call 877-787-8999

CHIP (Children's Health Insurance Program): 800-647-6558

Head start programs:

Hardin County: 409-246-3808

Beaumont: 409-832-8326

Port Arthur: 409-982-8654

Orange County: 409-882-5434

Relay Texas Information
(for the hearing impaired) : 800-735-2988

United Way of Beaumont: 409-835-4575

Local WebSites
Gulf Coast Chapter Texas Association for the Education of Young Children (GCAEYC): is a professional organization dedicated to improving the lives of young children and families.

Workforce Solutions Southeast Texas : A local partnership of business, education, labor and community leaders that achieve excellence by providing high-quality services that meet labor market needs of employers and residents.

State WebSites
Center for Public Policy Priorities:A policy research organization that works to influence the economic and social conditions of individuals, families, and communities.

Children's Learning Institute: The Center for Improving the Readiness of Children for Learning and Education (CIRCLE) at The University of Texas Health Science Center is now part of the Children's Learning Institute. Services include clinical assessment, diagnosis and treatment of learning disorders, and cutting-edge research on techniques to enhance a child’s home and learning environment.

Healthy Child Care Texas: Information for early care and education providers to obtain help through consultation and technical assistance to increase their response to the health and safety needs of children.

Prevent Child Abuse Texas: The leading organization working to prevent the abuse and neglect of our state's children.

Texans Care for Children: Provides information for advocates and policymakers about the well-being of children.

Texas Association for Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies (TACCRRA): Works to promote the partnership, improvement, and preservation of quality child care resource and referral services.

Texas Association for the Education of Young Children (TAEYC): TAEYC, an affiliate of the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), is committed to excellence in early childhood education.

Texas Early Childhood Education Coalition (TECEC): TECEC is excited to launch the 2008 "Through the Eyes" public awareness campaign. Over the course of this year, TECEC will look at this issue through 11 very different perspectives to gain a better understanding of how early childhood education impacts so many different sectors of our community and how this issue fundamentally links all of us together.

Texas Education Agency (TEA): The mission of the Texas Education Agency is to provide leadership, guidance, and resources to help schools meet the educational needs of all students.

Texas Department of Human Services (DHS) : Administers state and federal human services programs that benefit low-income families and children, victims of domestic violence, and people who are elderly or have disabilities.

Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) : Government agency that manages community-based programs that prevent delinquency, ill-treatment, and exploitation of children, the elderly, and disabled adults.

Texas Legislature On-line: Information on House of Representatives, Senate, and other agencies; legislative information and resources.

Texas Office of Attorney General

Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) : Agency in charge of monitoring and providing services to employers and individuals looking for employment.

National WebSites
Administration for Children and Families: A federal agency funding state, local, and tribal organizations to provide programs for children and families.

Center for the Child Care Workforce: Works to improve the quality of child care services by upgrading the wages, benefits, training opportunities, and working conditions for child care teachers and family child care providers.

ChildCareAware: Is committed to helping parents locate quality child care and child care resources in their community by connecting them with the local agencies best equipped to serve their needs.

Child Care Partnership Project: Provides information on creating and maintaining public/private partnerships to increase and improve child care throughout the country.

Children's Defense Fund: Child advocacy organization that works to ensure children a safe and healthy life.

Council for Early Childhood Professional Recognition: Works to improve and meet the growing need for qualified staff and offers information on the CDA credential.

Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center: Offered by the Administration for Children and Families, Office of Head Start.

Head Start Information & Publication Center: Source for Head Start publications, including Program Performance Standards, Information Memorandums, and more.

Healthy Child Care America: A collaborative effort working to improve the health and well-being of children in child care.

HealthyChildren.org: Empowers parents to be proactive about their children's health, whether it's learning about the vaccines their infant needs, the developmental milestones to watch for in their toddler, or how to stay connected with their teenager. Backed by 60,000 American Academy of Pediatrics member pediatricians and committed to offering the most reliable, up-to-the-minute health advice for proactive parents and caregivers.

I Am Your Child: Public awareness campaign to make early childhood development a top priority for our nation educating parents and professionals about new discoveries in brain development research.

National After School Association: A leading voice of the afterschool profession dedicated to the development, education and care of children and youth during their out-of-school hours.

National Association of Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies (NACCRRA): A membership organization whose purpose is to build a diverse, high-quality child care system with parental choice and equal access for all families.

National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC): Devoted to assuring the provision of high quality early childhood programs for young children.

National Association for Family Child Care (NAFCC): The focus of NAFCC is to provide technical assistance to family child care associations. Assistance is provided through developing leadership, professionalism, addressing issues of diversity, and promoting quality through NAFCC's Family Child Care accreditation.

National Black Child Development Institute (NBCDI): Improves and protects the quality of life of African American children and families.

National Child Care Association (NCCA): A professional trade association focused exclusively on the needs of licensed, private childhood care and education programs and is the only organization representing the specific interests of the licensed, private community.

National Child Care Information Center (NCCIC): A project of the Child Care Bureau, that works to ensure that all children and families have access to high-quality comprehensive services.

National Network for Child Care (NNCC): We network with committed individuals around the country to bring you practical information and resources that will be useful to you in your everyday work with children.

National Resource Center for Health and Safety in Child Care: Provides child care licensure regulations for each state. Health and safety tips and other resources are also available.

National School-Age Care Alliance (NSACA): Promotes quality school-age care and encourages before and after-school programs seek accreditation through their organization.

US Department of Health and Human Services

US House of Representatives

US Senate

US Bureau of the Census: Offers useful child care data, i.e., child care costs and use of various child are arrangements.

USDA Child and Adult Care Food Program : Provides nutritious meals and snacks to infants, young children, and impaired adults in day care.

Welfare Information Network: Clearinghouse for information, policy analysis, and technical assistance on welfare reform, including child care benefits.

Zero to Three: Promotes the healthy development of our nations infants and toddlers by supporting and strengthening families, communities and those who work on their behalf.